[Biojava-l] Best way to represent multiple annotation "tracks"

Ihab A.B. Awad ihab at stanford.edu
Mon Sep 8 19:12:47 EDT 2003

Hi Mark & all,

Thank you for the tip....

>In biojava Annotations have no location. They are global to the 
>Annotatable object. They can be localized to a region by being 
>applied to a Feature. So to generate a track of "annotations" you 
>would instead create a track of annotated Features.
>	I have not used BioJava yet for the data model, but I would like to
>	migrate in that direction. It seems that my data model is very
>	similar to BioJava's, except for one thing that puzzles me: How would
>	you folks represent multiple "tracks" of annotation values?

So, let's say I have a bunch of ESTs, each of which has been mapped 
to a location on the genome. To each EST, my data maps a floating 
point number indicating the expression level.

In this case, each Feature would represent one of the ESTs, right? So 
what would be the Feature(s) representing the annotation track? Would 
they be Features owned by the EST Feature (via the inheritance of 
FeatureHolder by interface Feature)? Or -- ??

Thanks again & peace,


Ihab A.B. Awad <ihab at stanford.edu>
Snr Scientific Programmer, Dept of Genetics

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