[Biojava-l] Why am I getting ClassCastExceptions

Sylvain Foisy sylvain.foisy at bioneq.qc.ca
Fri May 2 13:37:15 EDT 2003


I am looking for motifs in promoter regions of genes as read from the
massive *.gbk files from the human genome. When a hit is found in a
region forward of a gene, I am seeking the CDS that is inside this gene
and I want the full info on that CDS:

//Part of the code. leCDSHolder keeps the CDS folder feature found like
// FeatureFilter leSpan=new FeatureFilter.ContainedByLocation(span);
// FeatureHolder leSpanHolder=seq.filter(leSpan);
// FeatureFilter leCDS=new FeatureFilter.ByType("CDS");
// FeatureHolder leCDSHolder=leSpanHolder.filter(leCDS);
 for (Iterator iterZ=leCDSHolder.features();iterZ.hasNext(); )
	System.out.println("+ Corresponding CDS");
        Feature featZ=(Feature)iterZ.next();
        Annotation annotY=featZ.getAnnotation();
       Set lesAnnot=annotY.keys();
       Iterator iterY=lesAnnot.iterator();
          String laProp=(String)iterY.next();
          String laPropVal=(String)annotY.getProperty(laProp);//***
          System.out.println("+ \t\t"+laProp+": "+laPropVal);

When I run this, I get the following execution:

+ Seq. 1
+	NT_010641 Homo sapiens chromosome 17 genomic contig.
++ Hit 1
+ Nom du gene: LOC348211
+ Position du gene: [8850703,8856937]
+ Corresponding CDS
+ 		gene: LOC348211
+ 		protein_id: XP_302684.1
	at IndianaGene.main(IndianaGene.java:186)//The line with ***

For different chr, this exception will occured after a protein_id, a
db_xref, etc. I am guessing that the files are at fault but I do not
know why. Are they fixable? I am using biojava-live ant his exception
occurs both with my Mac laptop and my RH box, both running Java 1.4.1.

As usual, any help would be appreciated

Sylvain Foisy, Ph. D.
Directeur operations - Project Manager
BioneQ - Reseau quebecois de bio-informatique
U de Montreal / Genome-Quebec
Pav. Andre-Aisenstadt, Local 4351
Montreal, QC H3T 1J8
Telephone: (514) 343-6111 x.4066
Courriel: sylvain.foisy at bioneq.qc.ca

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