[Biojava-l] BlastLikeSAXParser and Blastall version

Rene Warren rwarren@bcgsc.bc.ca
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 12:17:27 -0800


I have used the BlastLikeSAXParser class and I seem to have set up 
everything correctly.  However, it catches this exception and I find it 
quite strange considering that I'm using an older version of blastall 
(2000).  I also tried a blast output from blastall v 2.2.2 (current) 
without success.  The same is observed when blastn is used.

sax exception:org.xml.sax.SAXException: Program ncbi-blastp Version 
2.0.14 is not supported by the biojava blast-like parsing framework

Do you have any thoughts, comments or ideas regarding this?

Also, I have used the SAX XMLparser to parse a blast output in xml 
format.  Do you guys know if NCBI is complient to the XML format, 
because that doesn't seem to work either.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration,


Rene Warren
Computational Biologist
BC Genome Sciences Centre