[Biojava-l] Languages - Patch I
Armin Groll
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 10:29:53 +0200
Hi there,
question 1:
Is anybody objecting to the insertion of a 'language' concept in
biojava? I'd substantially need this if I want to bring a ISCN-Parser
into biojava. It has some effect on Alphabet, since I want to first
introduce a Set-interface different from java.util.Set, in that it more
resembles the mathematical view of a set. Alphabet would extend then
question 2:
I downloaded the biojava-live CVS-Code and, trying to compile, can't
find package org.biojava.utils.bytecode.
How do I get it, to make sure any patches I do are at least compilable?
question 3:
If I have a patch then, in which format do I send it to whom? (diff,
whole CVS-Repository, only differing .java files ...?)