[Biojava-l] Gap Problem

Emig, Robin Robin.Emig@maxygen.com
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 12:58:09 -0700

Is there any reason why the following line should return false if the
current symbol is the 
gap symbol?

((sl.symbolAt(i) == sl.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol()) 

I tried this simple code and s=AlphabetManager$GapSymbol, but
sl1.getAlphabet.getGapSymbol()== a simple basis symbol. What gives, why did
the parser put a AlphabetManager$GapSymbol in the symbol list and not its
appropriate alphabet.getGapSymbol?

       SymbolParser tp;
       SymbolList sl1=tp.parse("-");
        Symbol s;
       for (Iterator it=sl1.iterator();it.hasNext();) {