[Biojava-l] Another release push?

Thomas Down td2@sanger.ac.uk
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:56:25 +0100


I've just been pondering all the changes which have occured
since we got BioJava 1.1 out of the door.  For instance:

  - GAME parser

  - XFF parser (with writing framework coming Very Soon)

  - Lots of work on Embl and Genbank read/write

  - Big improvements to the sequence GUI toolkit.

  - DAS client library compliant with DAS/0.996

  - Lots and lots of minor tweaks and bug fixes (for instance,
    work on Locations, and the introduction of the LocationTools

  - Stuff I've forgotten about. ;-)

There are also a few lower-level things happening:

  - Abandonment of the old build tool (yay!)

  - Moving back to using the JAXP API for plugabble XML parsers

  - Start of a proper test suite.

I know it doesn't seem like very long since the 1.1 release
push, but I think the time might be right to start seriously
looking at a new release.

Can I propose the following roadmap:

  BioJava 1.2:  Freeze sometime in the next couple of weeks.
                Hopefully add more test cases and so on before
                release around the time of BOSC.

  BioJava 2.0:  Aim to integrate Matthew's query model, plus
                the naming and directory interfaces discussed at
                the bootcamp.  Release: target december/january.

Right now, this is all very flexible.  Does anyone else think that
a push towards a stable 1.2 release in the near future would be
useful?  Or should we carry right on towards something closer to
the 2.0 of the roadmap?  Or something completely different?
