[Biojava-l] Higer order HMMs

Mark Schreiber mark_s@sanger.otago.ac.nz
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:00:05 +1300 (NZDT)


If I want a HMM to emit hexamers as in a gene finding HMM do I just create
a new hexamer alphabet and add that to the state or can it be mimicked by
the way that the transitions are set??

Also if I want a different states to emit pentamers and some to emit
triplets can they be combined in the same model using different alphabets?


Mark Schreiber			Ph: 64 3 4797875
Rm 218				email mark_s@sanger.otago.ac.nz
Department of Biochemistry	email m.schreiber@clear.net.nz
University of Otago		
PO Box 56
New Zealand