[Biojava-l] Error with VisualJ++
Petri Pehkonen
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:38:25 +0200 (WET)
I've made a Blast report parser with Java. There is little problems with
executing the code with Microsoft Visual J++. The same code works well
when I execute it with JBuilder, but in Visual J++ I get a
NoClassDefFoundError -exception. So I've added needed jar-files to
classpath (biojava,bytecode,xerces) and both tools (JBuilder & VisualJ++)
build the program well. The only problem is, that the command "new
BlastLikeSAXParser();" affects an exception (see below). Could anybody
tell me what's wrong?
try {
oParser = (org.xml.sax.XMLReader) new BlastLikeSAXParser();
} catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ee)
richEdit1.setText ("Error: I get this all the time in Visual J++");
-Petri Pehkonen-