[Biojava-dev] Problem converting ab1 to fastq files in Biojava 1.8

Sebastian garcia lopez deltadedirac at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 14:49:48 UTC 2012

Good day to all,

Excuse me for my english, I wil try to explain in a better way my problem:
I need to parser ab1 file into fastq file, the problem is that I do not
know the form to obtain the quality scores from ab1. to obtain the
sequence, I use ABIFChromatogram, and in fact, I can obtain the sequence,
yet I do not know how I can obtain the quality scores to build my fastq
file.  The problem is that the "trace-offsets" do not correspond with
quality scores.  If it is helpful, I put a fragment of the code that I am

ABIFChromatogram y = new ABIFChromatogram();//ya casi lo logro, falta ver
como leer esos alignment
y=ABIFChromatogram.create(new File(Path));
Alignment to=y.getBaseCalls();
SymbolList dnaSeq=to.symbolListForLabel("dna");
SymbolList trace=to.symbolListForLabel("trace-offsets");


Please, if somebody know the mode to obtain the scores from ab1 files in
Biojava, please let me know.

Thank you.

Sebastián García López
Electronic Engineer
Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Manizales

Ms.Eng. Industrial Automation Student
Control and Digital Signal Processing Research Group (GC&PDS)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Manizales
MCP-Microsoft Certified Professional

Email:        deltadedirac at gmail.com
                 sgarcialop at unal.edu.co
Skype:       sebastiang55
Mobile:      +57 3147569794

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