[Biojava-dev] Stockholm Parser is on Biojava 3.0.5 SNAPSHOT

Amr AL-HOSSARY amr_alhossary at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 6 11:11:45 UTC 2012

Dear all,
I added stockholm parser beta to the package "org.biojava3.alignment.io" of "biojava3-alignment" project.It should be ready on on the latest Biojava snapshot build after 20 mins.
As stockholm format structure is not well defined (at least in contrast to PDB), Not all of the features are well implemented yet.Please test it against different files you have, and feed me back; so that I start with the most important/most used features first.
Thanks to Marko Vas for his code base. I built on his code  and that saved a lot of unnecessary time.

Best Regards, 


Amr Ali AL-HOSSARY |  
Ph.D. Student |  
International PhD program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
  School of Computer Engineering |
  Nanyang Technological University  |
Singapore | 
Email:  amra0001 at e.ntu.edu.sg


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