[Biojava-dev] BioJava 3 current status

Andreas Prlic andreas at sdsc.edu
Tue Sep 28 17:17:37 UTC 2010

> I see a few (rather lonely) BioException in the biojava3-ws module and a "biojava1-core" dependency in org.biojava3.core.sequence.transcription.DefaultRNAProteinTranscription in the sequence-core module. I also see that many of the classes of the sequence-core module are duplicated in the biojava3-core module. Is-there a meaning for this duplication?

Andy, Scooter, is this a leftover from the initial days? Can I delete
the sequence module? Is this all biojava3-core now?

On a related matter, is anybody working on genebank and embl file
parsing for biojava3? There were some feature requests for this and
would be nice if this could be done in biojava3 as well...


Dr. Andreas Prlic
Senior Scientist, RCSB PDB Protein Data Bank
University of California, San Diego
(+1) 858.246.0526

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