[Biojava-dev] Creating Junit test units

Andreas Prlic andreas at sdsc.edu
Thu Jul 15 16:22:08 UTC 2010

> I have looked into the docs for BJ3 in the wiki and it is utterly confusing
> with the code in the svn: there is no FASTAReader not FASTAFileReader
> classes... I see two packages with possible FASTA-pertinent material:
> sequence and biojava3-core. Confusing to say the least.

I agree, the wiki docu is mainly related to the 1.7 release of BioJava, we
need to start adding documentation for the new code base!


Dr. Andreas Prlic
Senior Scientist, RCSB PDB Protein Data Bank
University of California, San Diego
(+1) 858.246.0526

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