[Biojava-dev] Bug Tracking

Scooter Willis HWillis at scripps.edu
Wed Jul 22 18:34:26 UTC 2009

Do we have a formal defect/feature request tracking setup for Biojava?

In case we don't have something formally setup or if we do and are not using it I wanted to suggest the following.

I am getting ready to install the following jumpbox at work to do subversion/defect tracking/wiki/project management. http://www.jumpbox.com/app/redmine

Everything is already installed in a vmware instance and sitting through the demo it looked very promising. You create a project in redmine and that provisions the subversion repository. You can then report bugs, add feature requests against the project. You can assign defects to members of the project and get timelines and other project management related reports. Combine this with a wiki for doing docs and demo code it looks like an interesting combination. I have been very impressed with what jumpbox is doing in other bundled software components so if they are providing redmine as a jumpbox it is probably very good. So far I have only played around with the demo instance at redmine.



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