[Biojava-dev] biojavax stress test

mark.schreiber at novartis.com mark.schreiber at novartis.com
Sun Jan 15 21:31:51 EST 2006

>Finally, if I create the RichStreamReader with a null Namespace, letting
>the sequence files provide the namespace, I can retrieve the persisted
>Namespace and BioEntries using hibernate queries, but the BioEntries are
>not associated with the Namespace via the getMembers() method as in the
>biojavax docs.
>Query query = session.createQuery("from Namespace");
>List namespaces = query.list();
>for (Iterator i = namespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
>  Namespace namespace = (Namespace) i.next();
>  System.out.println("Namespace: " + namespace.getName());
> for (Iterator j = namespace.getMembers().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
>  {
>    BioEntry bioEntry = (BioEntry) j.next();
>    System.out.println("   BioEntry: " + bioEntry.getName());
>  }
>Namespace: MyNamespace
>Query query = session.createQuery("from BioEntry");
>List bioEntries = query.list();
>for (Iterator i = bioEntries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
>  BioEntry bioEntry = (BioEntry) i.next();
>  System.out.println("BioEntry: " + bioEntry.getName() +
>                     "  Namespace: " + bioEntry.getNamespace());
>BioEntry: 12345  Namespace: MyNamespace
>BioEntry: 23456  Namespace: MyNamespace
>   michael

Seems odd, it looks like Hibernate is not loading the contents of the 
Namespaces on demand. Richard, is this some sort of lazy loading issue?

- Mark

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