[Biojava-dev] Perl2Java

mark.schreiber at group.novartis.com mark.schreiber at group.novartis.com
Wed Jun 9 20:51:48 EDT 2004

You could probably make a Perl compiler that makes Java bytecode or you 
could do it at a lower level. There was also an attempt to make BioPerl 
and BioJava interact at the CORBA level that only had limited success and 
has now been abandoned.

What you might want to try and do is make something like Jython for Perl 
so you could embed Perl snippets in Java programs. I think that might be 
useful although you might have to call it Jerl ;-)

- Mark

Mark Schreiber
Principal Scientist (Bioinformatics)

Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD)
10 Biopolis Road
#05-01 Chromos
Singapore 138670

phone +65 6722 2973
fax  +65 6722 2910

ACF45E1 at aol.com
Sent by: biojava-dev-bounces at portal.open-bio.org
06/08/2004 01:38 AM

        To:     biojava-dev at biojava.org
        Subject:        [Biojava-dev] Perl2Java

Dear all,
I have build a C-to-Java compiler and at the moment I test ist. My idea 
to connect BioPerl with BioJava. Perl has a C backend. So you could 
transform a 
Perl program to C and then to Java by making use of my tool. At the moment 
test my tool standalone and may be next month I will include my C-to-Java 
compiler in Perl 5.8.4. But the frustrated point is: I have posted my idea 
several newsgroups like in Perl and Java specific groups. But no one has 
None sees a sense in such a tool like mine. So, I need a break. I am a 
bit down. 
I am interested in any opinion about the idea of a Perl2Java compiler in 
Please let me know waht you think about such an idea.
Thanks for all.
Greetings from Germany Henrik

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