[Biojava-dev] Perl2Java

ACF45E1 at aol.com ACF45E1 at aol.com
Mon Jun 7 13:38:55 EDT 2004

Dear all,
I have build a C-to-Java compiler and at the moment I test ist. My idea was 
to connect BioPerl with BioJava. Perl has a C backend. So you could transform a 
Perl program to C and then to Java by making use of my tool. At the moment I 
test my tool standalone and may be next month I will include my C-to-Java 
compiler in Perl 5.8.4. But the frustrated point is: I have posted my idea in 
several newsgroups like in Perl and Java specific groups. But no one has interest. 
None sees a sense in such a tool like mine. So, I need a break. I am a little 
bit down. 
I am interested in any opinion about the idea of a Perl2Java compiler in the 
Please let me know waht you think about such an idea.
Thanks for all.
Greetings from Germany Henrik

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