[Biojava-dev] PhredTools.getPhredSymbol(dna,int) with ambiguity symbol
Jim Johnson
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:10:20 -0600
I'm working with a researcher to develop a package to
evaluate contig assemblies (initially phrap, then CAP).
I am initially writing a parser for phrap ace format files.
I wrote my original parser so that it created a GappedPhredSequence
for the consensus and each read sequence.
I'm now rewriting this attempting to use
PhredTools.createPhred(SymbolList dna, SymbolList quality)
However, I'm getting exceptions from
PhredTools.getPhredSymbol(Symbol dna, Symbol integer)
when I encountered an ambiguity symbol, e.g. 'n'.
Do you have any advice as to using PhredTools with regards
to ambiguity symbols?
James E. Johnson <jj@mail.ahc.umn.edu>
Center for Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics
Mayo Mail Code 43, AHC, University of Minnesota
420 Delaware St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455