[Biojava-dev] sequence DB mess
Schreiber, Mark
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 09:38:41 +1300
I recently made WebSequenceDB and NCBISequenceDB to work. The fact that
it didn't previously probably means no one was using it. I agree that
some rationalisation would be v. good.
The problem is exasperated by diverse services. For example you can
access lots of NCBI services through URLs, you can also do it through
the Qblast service (which does entrez stuff as well). Qblast is
potentially much more powerful than the URL service and Qblast can also
be set up in house.
Is there a nice model from bioperl we can steal? Might this be a case
for webservices?
- Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Pocock [mailto:matthew_pocock@yahoo.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, 4 December 2002 3:37 a.m.
> To: biojava-dev@biojava.org
> Subject: [Biojava-dev] sequence DB mess
> Hi,
> We have NCBISequenceDB, WebSequenceDB, {Genbank,
> Genpept, Swissprot}SequenceDB all doing similar or
> overlapping things. Could we rationalize pre release?
> I'm unsure which of these work, or are used. Any
> ideas?
> Matthew
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