[Open-bio-l] VIZBI 2011 call for participation - early registration deadline 31st Jan 2011

Jim Procter jprocter at compbio.dundee.ac.uk
Wed Jan 5 17:58:11 UTC 2011

We are delighted to invite you and your colleagues to register for VIZBI 
2011, the 2nd workshop on 'Visualizing Biological Data', to be held at 
the Broad Institute, Cambridge-MA (USA), March 16-18, 2011.

VIZBI 2011 brings together scientists actively using or developing 
computational visualization to study a diverse range of biological data. 
We have assembled a list of high-profile speakers (see end of email) who 
will review the state-of-the-art and challenges of visualization within 
their field. VIZBI 2011 also features an 'art & science' evening 
(Thursday) during which we will be joined by medical illustrators, 
graphic designers, and artists interested in biological visualization. 
On Saturday, March 19, immediately after the workshop, participants can 
choose to attend one of a range of tutorials and take part in a hands-on 
'bring-your-own-data' session.

All workshop participants are encouraged to submit a poster on their 
work, plus an image for the art & science evening. A limited number of 
participants will also be offered the opportunity to be part of an 
authoritative book co-authored with the VIZBI speakers, essentially an 
expanded version of the Nature Methods focus issue 
(http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v7/n3s); the book will be the first 
to comprehensively review this topic and will be distributed by a major 
scientific publisher.

Please see http://vizbi.org for more information.
We hope you can join us for this exciting event!

We would also be grateful if you consider forwarding this call to 
colleagues who may be interested.

The VIZBI 2011 chairs:

Seán O'Donoghue, EMBL
Bang Wong, Broad Institute
James Procter, U. Dundee
Larry Hunter, U. Colorado

VIZBI 2011 Speakers (in order of appearance):
Manuel Lima Microsoft, UK. (Keynote: Visual Complexity).
Robert Kuhn, UCSC, USA..
Bradley Bernstein, Harvard, USA.
Erez Lieberman-Aiden, Harvard, USA.
Eric Westhof, U. Strasbourg, France.
John Quackenbush, Harvard, USA.
Yoseph Barash, U. Toronto, Canada.
Tamara Munzner U. British Columbia, Canada. (Keynote: Human-Computer 
John Westbrook, Rutgers, USA.
Arthur Olson, Scripps, USA.
Gaël McGill, Harvard Medical School & Digizyme, USA.
Trey Ideker, UCSD, USA.
Anne-Claude Gavin, EMBL, Germany.
Minoru Kanehisa, U. Kyoto, Japan.
Yannis Kalaidzidis,MPI-CBG Dresden, Germany.
Drew Berry, Walter & Eliza Hall, Australia. (Keynote: Communicating 
science, Visually).
Willy Supatto, U. Paris Diderot, France.
David Shattuck, UCLA, USA.
Rob MacLeod,U. Utah, USA.
Des Higgins, U. College Dublin, Ireland.
Rod Page, U. Glasgow, UK.
Hervé Tettelin, U. Maryland, USA.
Martin Wattenberg & Fernada Viegas, Google, USA. (Keynote: Visual Design)

VIZBI training day topics:
Blender, Cytoscape, Circos, Jalview, Processing, VTK & ParaView.

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