[MOBY-l] jMoby bug?

Benjamin Good bmg at sfu.ca
Wed Feb 2 18:18:57 UTC 2005

Sorry, the example I sent was in the wrong mode, but the problem is the
same.  The problem is not apparent until you try to use a
MobyDataSimpleInstance as part of a template to find services.

Here is my code:

    Central worker = new CentralImpl ();
    MobyService templateService = new MobyService("dummy");
    MobyDataType type = new MobyDataType("AminoAcidSequence");

    MobyDataSimpleInstance input = new MobyDataSimpleInstance ("");
        input.setDataType (type);
        input.addNamespace (new MobyNamespace ("NCBI_gi"));
    //query the registry for services
    MobyService[] validServices = worker.findService(templateService);
and here I get the error from moby central.

problem org.biomoby.shared.MobyException: ===ERROR===
Fault details:
[stackTrace: null]
Fault string: org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a
child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to
Fault code:  
Fault actor:  null
When calling:


In this case, the inputs part of the template service looked like
<Simple xmlns="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">

If I change it to look like this


then it works.

So basically moby central doesn't like to see the xml namespace in there
any more, though I'm pretty sure this worked last summer.


On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 10:00, Paul Gordon wrote:
> Hi Ben,
>     The class seems to work fine (see the example program below).  Are 
> you sure that the right XML mode set for your intended use?
> ----------------
> coe01:/export/home/gordonp/projects/moby-live/Java/src/main 132 % cat 
> TestMDSI.java
> import org.biomoby.shared.MobyDataSimpleInstance;
> import org.biomoby.shared.MobyDataType;
> public class TestMDSI{
>   public static void main(String[] args){
>     MobyDataSimpleInstance mdsi = new MobyDataSimpleInstance(new 
> MobyDataType("Object"), "NCBI_gi", "111076");
>     mdsi.setXmlMode(MobyDataSimpleInstance.CENTRAL_XML_MODE);
>     System.out.println("Central mode: ");
>     System.out.println(mdsi.toXML());
>     mdsi.setXmlMode(MobyDataSimpleInstance.SERVICE_XML_MODE);
>     System.out.println("Service mode: ");
>     System.out.println(mdsi.toXML());
>   }
> }
> coe01:/export/home/gordonp/projects/moby-live/Java/src/main 133 % javac 
> -classpath ../../lib/axis.jar:../../lib/jaxrpc.jar:. TestMDSI.java
> coe01:/export/home/gordonp/projects/moby-live/Java/src/main 134 % java 
> -cp .:../../lib TestMDSI                        Central mode:
> <Simple xmlns="http://www.biomoby.org/moby">
> <objectType>Object</objectType>
> </Simple>
> Service mode:
> <Simple xmlns="http://www.biomoby.org/moby" 
> xmlns:moby="http://www.biomoby.org/moby" 
> moby:articleName="NCBI_gi"><Object namespace="" id="111076"/></Simple>

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