[MOBY-l] getPBfromGO

Michael Gruenberger mgruenb at gmx.net
Wed Mar 31 21:48:43 UTC 2004

Hi Martin,

sorry I haven't had time to fix my service yet, I've been busy with 
moving house and another project...

The GOID you are using shouldn't return anything, because no PB entries 
exist for this GOID, but as I haven't got the service working yet
I haven't started looking into the MOBY way of returning empty results. 
A good GOID to use for testing would be: 5224, which should return 2 PB 

I'm afraid I have no idea why the base64 encoded strings are different...

Let me know if you find out more!


Martin Senger wrote:

>I am playing with some moby services - trying to put them into a workflow
>engine. And I wonder what is going wrong - it may easily be on my site but
>I need some external help to tell what's wrong.
>Calling service getPBfromGO from the
>http://pathbase1.anat.cam.ac.uk/axis/Pathbase2_SOAP.jws, and sending there
>this input:
><moby:Object moby:namespace="GO" moby:id="0005787"/>
>I am getting back something encoded as base64binary. Which I get as an
>array of bytes, convert it into string and print. Usually, Java takes
>base64-coded data and converts it into byte[] for me. However it this case
>I print something starting with:
>So I thought that I should have done encoding myself - from whatever
>reasons. Therefore, I have looked into the wire (tcp monitor) and I expect
>that I will see there the same data as shown above. What a surprise when I
>saw there bas64 data, that I expected, but *different* ones. Concretly it
>started with:
>So now I wonder that perhaps the services is sending base64 data encoded
>twice? Or where is the poblem?
>Thanks for any advise (for example for sending me a piece of perl code
>that I can use for the same purpose, and compare)
> Martin

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