[unclassified] Re: [MOBY] [MOBY-l] parsing superset objects?

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Sun Oct 19 09:55:51 EDT 2003

Martin Senger wrote:

>>You can parse it structurally (in both DNASequence and GenericSequence
>>the Length and SequenceString are child-elements of the main element.
>   What do you mean by "parsing structurally"?
um... how can I explain it better than the words themselves?  I mean 
that the structure of the object is predictable; the ontology dictates 
the structure.  Therefore, I can design a parser that will reach into 
the correct structural position in the XML and extract the content at 
that position.

> To be honest I asked myself
>the same question that Ken sent here. I still do not know how to answer
>it. The best would be to show me a piece of XML sent by the service
>providing a specialized DNA sequence, and then show me the tags I should
>be looking for in my service that expects a generic sequence.
The two are identical - that is the whole point!  The *structure* of a 
"specialized" DNA sequence compared to a GenericSequence is identical! 
 therefore you look for exactly the same the same tags/document 
structure  in both cases.  The only tag that has changed is the 
"primary" tag of the object - the one at the root level of the XML document.

To see an example, send a request to my GenbankCompleteSequenceRetrieve 


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