[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Eddie Kawas kawas at dev.open-bio.org
Wed Jan 31 16:17:43 UTC 2007

Wed Jan 31 11:17:43 EST 2007
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/t
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7362

Modified Files:
Log Message:
rub1 wasnt beening removed at the end of the test
moby-live/Perl/t Client-OntologyServer.t,1.7,1.8
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/t/Client-OntologyServer.t,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/t/Client-OntologyServer.t	2005/12/19 20:08:44	1.7
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/t/Client-OntologyServer.t	2007/01/31 16:17:43	1.8
@@ -1,179 +1,182 @@
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 1.t'
-# Note added by Frank Gibbons.
-# Tests should, as far as possible, avoid the use of literals.
-# If you register a service with authURI => mysite.com,
-# and you want to test a retrieved description of the service,
-# don't test that the service returns authURI eq "mysite.com",
-# test so that it returns the same value as you used to register it in the first place.
-# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
-#use SOAP::Lite +trace;
-use Test::More 'no_plan'; #skip_all => "Skipped for development"; #'no_plan'; # perldoc Test::More for details
-use strict;
-use MOBY::Client::OntologyServer;
-use MOBY::Client::Central;
-BEGIN { use_ok('MOBY::Client::OntologyServer');
-      # initialize with a couple of useless things that we can guarantee to find
-       my $C = MOBY::Client::Central->new();
-      my %Namespace = ( namespaceType => 'Rub1',
-                        authURI       => 'your.authority.URI',
-                        description   => "human readable description of namespace",
-                        contactEmail  => 'your at address.here'
-                      );
-      my $r = $C->registerNamespace( %Namespace );
-      %Namespace = ( namespaceType => 'Rub2',
-                        authURI       => 'your.authority.URI',
-                        description   => "human readable description of namespace",
-                        contactEmail  => 'your at address.here'
-                      );
-      $r = $C->registerNamespace( %Namespace );
-      my %ServiceType = ( serviceType   => "Rub1",
-                          description   => "a human-readable description of the service",
-                          contactEmail  => 'your at email.address',
-                          authURI       => "test.suite.com",
-                          Relationships => { ISA => ['Service'] }
-                        );
-      $r = $C->registerServiceType( %ServiceType );
-      %ServiceType = ( serviceType   => "Rub2",
-                          description   => "a human-readable description of the service",
-                          contactEmail  => 'your at email.address',
-                          authURI       => "test.suite.com",
-                          Relationships => { ISA => ['Service'] }
-                        );
-      $r = $C->registerServiceType( %ServiceType );};
-END {
-  # Define cleanup of registry, to return it to its 'pristine' state, 
-  # so that later attempts to run tests don't run into problems caused 
-  # by failure of these tests, or abortion of the test script.
-  # Reconnect to MOBY Central here, since other connections 
-  # will have gone out of scope by the time we get to this END block.
-  # Also can't use %Obj, 
-  my $C = MOBY::Client::Central->new();
-  my $r = $C->deregisterNamespace( namespaceType => 'Rub1' );
-  $r = $C->deregisterNamespace( namespaceType => 'Rub2' );
-  $r = $C->deregisterServiceType( serviceType => 'Rub2' );
-  $r = $C->deregisterServiceType( serviceType => 'Rub2' );
-my @autoload = qw/host proxy/;
-my @API = (@autoload, qw/new getUserAgent
-objectExists serviceExists namespaceExists /);
-my $os = MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->new();
-if (defined $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} && $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} == 1) {
-  print STDERR <<END;
-    This is the MOBY Client OntologyServer test suite.
-    By default this connects to the server at mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca
-    (or whatever the default server is set to in the code)
-    If you want to test a different server you must set the following
-    environment variable:
-    MOBY_ONTOLOGYSERVER='http://your.server.name/path/to/OntologyServer.cgi'
-    For the following tests I will be using the server at:
-  print STDERR "\t",$os->host,"\n\n\n";
-foreach (@autoload) {eval{$os->$_};} # Call all AUTOLOAD methods, to create them.
-can_ok("MOBY::Client::OntologyServer", @API)
-  or diag("OntologyServer doesn't implement full API");
-# Check that accessor methods work correctly;
-my ($old_host, $old_proxy) = ($os->host(), $os->proxy());
-my ($new_host, $new_proxy) = ("foo.cgi", "bar"); 
-is($os->host($new_host), $new_host) or diag("Couldn't set new host");
-is($os->host(), $new_host) or diag("Couldn't get host");
-is($os->host($old_host), $old_host) or diag("Couldn't return host to previous value");
-  is($os->proxy($new_proxy), $new_proxy) or diag("Couldn't set proxy to new value");
-  is($os->proxy(), $new_proxy) or diag("Couldn't get proxy");
-TODO: {
-  local $TODO = "How come I cant' set proxy back to its original value?";
-  is($os->proxy($old_proxy), $old_proxy) or diag("Couldn't return proxy to previous value");
-# Start fresh....
-$os = MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->new();
-my ($success, $msg, $existingURI);
-my @check_ns = qw/Rub1 Rub2/; # These seem pretty solid
-foreach (@check_ns) {
- ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->namespaceExists( term => $_);
-  is($success, 1)
-    or diag("Namespace '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
-# Could get these allowed datatypes from MOBY::Config,
-# except that module only works when you've got a local registry set up.
-my @check_obj = qw/ Object String Integer Float DateTime/; # At least we can be confident that primitive types will always be valid
-foreach (@check_obj) {
-  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->objectExists(term => $_);
-  is($success, 1)
-    or diag("Object '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
-my @check_servicetype = qw/Rub1 Rub2/; # Service types don't change much, but who knows....
-foreach (@check_servicetype) {
-  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->serviceExists(term => $_);
-  is($success, 1)
-    or diag("Service type '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
-SKIP: {
-  skip "relationshipExists not implemented", 5 
-    unless MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->can("relationshipExists");
-  can_ok("MOBY::Client::OntologyServer", "relationshipExists")
-    or diag("OntologyServer should be able to tell whether a relationship exists");
-  my @check_rel = qw/ISA HASA HAS/; # There should only be very few valid relationship types.
-  foreach (@check_rel) {
-    ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $_, ontology => 'object');
-    is($success, 1)
-      or diag("Relationship '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
-  }
-  my @check_rel2 = qw/ISA/; # There should only be very few valid relationship types.
-  foreach (@check_rel2) {
-    ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $_, ontology => 'service');
-    is($success, 1)
-      or diag("Relationship '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
-  }
-  my $invalid_rel = "HA";
-  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $invalid_rel, ontology => 'service');
-  is($success, 0)
-    or diag("Relationship '$invalid_rel' reported erroneously as existent.");
-  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $invalid_rel, ontology => 'object');
-  is($success, 0)
-    or diag("Relationship '$invalid_rel' reported erroneously as existent.");
-# Literal invalid names are OK here, since there's no obvious way to generate them
-# and guarantee that they'll be invalid.
-my $invalid_ns = "InvalidNS";
-($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->namespaceExists( term => $invalid_ns);
-is($success, 0)
-  or diag("Namespace '$invalid_ns' reported erroneously as existent.");
-my $invalid_obj = "InvalidObject";
-($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->objectExists(term => $invalid_obj);
-is($success, 0)
-  or diag("Object '$invalid_obj' reported erroneously as existent.");
-my $invalid_st = "InvalidServiceType";
-($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->serviceExists(term => $invalid_st);
-is($success, 0)
-  or diag("Service type '$invalid_st' reported erroneously as existent.");
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 1.t'
+# Note added by Frank Gibbons.
+# Tests should, as far as possible, avoid the use of literals.
+# If you register a service with authURI => mysite.com,
+# and you want to test a retrieved description of the service,
+# don't test that the service returns authURI eq "mysite.com",
+# test so that it returns the same value as you used to register it in the first place.
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+#use SOAP::Lite +trace;
+use Test::More 'no_plan'; #skip_all => "Skipped for development"; #'no_plan'; # perldoc Test::More for details
+use strict;
+use MOBY::Client::OntologyServer;
+use MOBY::Client::Central;
+BEGIN { use_ok('MOBY::Client::OntologyServer');
+      # initialize with a couple of useless things that we can guarantee to find
+       my $C = MOBY::Client::Central->new();
+      my %Namespace = ( namespaceType => 'Rub1',
+                        authURI       => 'your.authority.URI',
+                        description   => "human readable description of namespace",
+                        contactEmail  => 'your at address.here'
+                      );
+      my $r = $C->registerNamespace( %Namespace );
+      %Namespace = ( namespaceType => 'Rub2',
+                        authURI       => 'your.authority.URI',
+                        description   => "human readable description of namespace",
+                        contactEmail  => 'your at address.here'
+                      );
+      $r = $C->registerNamespace( %Namespace );
+      my %ServiceType = ( serviceType   => "Rub1",
+                          description   => "a human-readable description of the service",
+                          contactEmail  => 'your at email.address',
+                          authURI       => "test.suite.com",
+                          Relationships => { ISA => ['Service'] }
+                        );
+      $r = $C->registerServiceType( %ServiceType );
+      %ServiceType = ( serviceType   => "Rub2",
+                          description   => "a human-readable description of the service",
+                          contactEmail  => 'your at email.address',
+                          authURI       => "test.suite.com",
+                          Relationships => { ISA => ['Service'] }
+                        );
+      $r = $C->registerServiceType( %ServiceType );
+	  };
+END {
+  # Define cleanup of registry, to return it to its 'pristine' state, 
+  # so that later attempts to run tests don't run into problems caused 
+  # by failure of these tests, or abortion of the test script.
+  # Reconnect to MOBY Central here, since other connections 
+  # will have gone out of scope by the time we get to this END block.
+  # Also can't use %Obj, 
+  my $C = MOBY::Client::Central->new();
+  my $r = $C->deregisterNamespace( namespaceType => 'Rub1' );
+  $r = $C->deregisterNamespace( namespaceType => 'Rub2' );
+  $r = $C->deregisterServiceType( serviceType => 'Rub1' );
+  $r = $C->deregisterServiceType( serviceType => 'Rub2' );
+my @autoload = qw/host proxy/;
+my @API = (@autoload, qw/new getUserAgent
+objectExists serviceExists namespaceExists /);
+my $os = MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->new();
+if (defined $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} && $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} == 1) {
+  print STDERR <<END;
+    This is the MOBY Client OntologyServer test suite.
+    By default this connects to the server at mobycentral.icapture.ubc.ca
+    (or whatever the default server is set to in the code)
+    If you want to test a different server you must set the following
+    environment variable:
+    MOBY_ONTOLOGYSERVER='http://your.server.name/path/to/OntologyServer.cgi'
+    For the following tests I will be using the server at:
+  print STDERR "\t",$os->host,"\n\n\n";
+foreach (@autoload) {eval{$os->$_};} # Call all AUTOLOAD methods, to create them.
+can_ok("MOBY::Client::OntologyServer", @API)
+  or diag("OntologyServer doesn't implement full API");
+# Check that accessor methods work correctly;
+my ($old_host, $old_proxy) = ($os->host(), $os->proxy());
+my ($new_host, $new_proxy) = ("foo.cgi", "bar"); 
+is($os->host($new_host), $new_host) or diag("Couldn't set new host");
+is($os->host(), $new_host) or diag("Couldn't get host");
+is($os->host($old_host), $old_host) or diag("Couldn't return host to previous value");
+  is($os->proxy($new_proxy), $new_proxy) or diag("Couldn't set proxy to new value");
+  is($os->proxy(), $new_proxy) or diag("Couldn't get proxy");
+TODO: {
+  local $TODO = "How come I cant' set proxy back to its original value?";
+  is($os->proxy($old_proxy), $old_proxy) or diag("Couldn't return proxy to previous value");
+# Start fresh....
+$os = MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->new();
+my ($success, $msg, $existingURI);
+my @check_ns = qw/Rub1 Rub2/; # These seem pretty solid
+foreach (@check_ns) {
+ ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->namespaceExists( term => $_);
+  is($success, 1)
+    or diag("Namespace '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
+# Could get these allowed datatypes from MOBY::Config,
+# except that module only works when you've got a local registry set up.
+my @check_obj = qw/ Object String Integer Float DateTime/; # At least we can be confident that primitive types will always be valid
+foreach (@check_obj) {
+  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->objectExists(term => $_);
+  is($success, 1)
+    or diag("Object '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
+my @check_servicetype = qw/Rub1 Rub2/; # Service types don't change much, but who knows....
+foreach (@check_servicetype) {
+  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->serviceExists(term => $_);
+  is($success, 1)
+    or diag("Service type '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
+SKIP: {
+  skip "relationshipExists not implemented", 5 
+    unless MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->can("relationshipExists");
+  can_ok("MOBY::Client::OntologyServer", "relationshipExists")
+    or diag("OntologyServer should be able to tell whether a relationship exists");
+  my @check_rel = qw/ISA HASA HAS/; # There should only be very few valid relationship types.
+  foreach (@check_rel) {
+    ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $_, ontology => 'object');
+    is($success, 1)
+      or diag("Relationship '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
+  }
+  my @check_rel2 = qw/ISA/; # There should only be very few valid relationship types.
+  foreach (@check_rel2) {
+    ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $_, ontology => 'service');
+    is($success, 1)
+      or diag("Relationship '$_' reported erroneously as non-existent.");
+  }
+  my $invalid_rel = "HA";
+  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $invalid_rel, ontology => 'service');
+  is($success, 0)
+    or diag("Relationship '$invalid_rel' reported erroneously as existent.");
+  ($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->relationshipExists(term => $invalid_rel, ontology => 'object');
+  is($success, 0)
+    or diag("Relationship '$invalid_rel' reported erroneously as existent.");
+# Literal invalid names are OK here, since there's no obvious way to generate them
+# and guarantee that they'll be invalid.
+my $invalid_ns = "InvalidNS";
+($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->namespaceExists( term => $invalid_ns);
+is($success, 0)
+  or diag("Namespace '$invalid_ns' reported erroneously as existent.");
+my $invalid_obj = "InvalidObject";
+($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->objectExists(term => $invalid_obj);
+is($success, 0)
+  or diag("Object '$invalid_obj' reported erroneously as existent.");
+my $invalid_st = "InvalidServiceType";
+($success, $msg, $existingURI) = $os->serviceExists(term => $invalid_st);
+is($success, 0)
+  or diag("Service type '$invalid_st' reported erroneously as existent.");

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