[MOBY-dev] invoking document literal services

Dmitry Repchevsky dmitry.repchevski at bsc.es
Tue Jul 14 04:14:58 UTC 2009

Hello Edward,

Actually WSDLs would be very similar. They all have the same "BioMoby" 
part as a schema. A content of "Simple" is marked as "any".
The WSDLs I send generated by JBoss 5.1 from the templates I just 
invented... (there is no code there).
The service receives/returns  MobyMessage object that is a part of my 
MobyCore API.
"BioMoby" classes like MobyMessage, MobyContent, MobyData, etc. are JAXB 
annotated. Ontology generated classes are "JAXB compatible" that means 
that they are encoded/decoded by JAXB with a minor trick.

Also note that because MobySimple contains "ANY" JAX-WS context has no 
knowledge about "ontology". You must specify classes the service uses 
using @SeeAlso attribute.
There is no need to specify ALL the classes - JAXB will analyze the 
dependencies - for example if you specify 
@XmlSeeAlso({AminoAcidSequence.class}) it will infer all "fathers".
All the classes that are unrecognized (by JAX-WS context) are converted 
into a special "AnyMobyObject". You can still work with this class 
(add/remove properties).
Even more this class can be mixed with "ontology generated" ones. So 
it's possible that ontology generated class "A" contains "AnyMobyObject" 
that contains ontology generated class "B".

I attach the *.war file with the services and the source code (also for 
the ontology datatypes).

Your Sincerely,


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