[MOBY-dev] FWD: Making SOAP::Lite painlessly support document-literal encoding

Edward Kawas edward.kawas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 17:08:21 UTC 2008

Just to keep everyone on the list in the know ...

From: "Ed Kawas" <ed.kawas at gmail.com>

Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 07:54:49 
To: 'Jason Stewart'<jason.e.stewart at gmail.com>; 'Mark'<markw at illuminae.com>;
'Martin Kutter'<martin.kutter at fen-net.de>; <soaplite-devel at lists.sf.net>
Subject: RE: Making SOAP::Lite painlessly support document-literal encoding

Hi Jason,

I like the fact that you hand off the XML document to the server service
developer. Also the ability of the client to just attach a document looks
good too. I wonder how other toolkits do it? I am pretty sure that if the
soap envelope was compatible with other toolkits and all I could do was
get/set the XML document, I would definitely start using S::L for doc/lit


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Stewart [mailto:jason.e.stewart at gmail.com]
Sent: September-18-08 1:40 AM
To: Mark; Martin Kutter; soaplite-devel at lists.sf.net; Ed Kawas
Subject: Making SOAP::Lite painlessly support document-literal encoding

Hey All,

So I've been doing a lot of digging through the codebase understanding
how doc/lit could be used at the moment, and I find that the ease of
use that S::L provides for rpc/enc is not matched in it's doc/lit
support. I don't think it would take very much effort to enable simple
support for doc/lit on both the client and the server - but very
likely there would be issues with compatibility with Java and .NET
implementations that would have to be worked out.

For me the major difference is that a client wanting to use a doc/lit
service wants to simply attach a pre-produced XML payload to the soap
message - and the server wants to retrieve that message - WITHOUT ANY

so we have:

-- begin of client.pl 8< --

use SOAP::Lite;
my $soap = SOAP::Lite->new( proxy => 'http://localhost:80/helloworld.pl');

my $xml =<<XML;
 <sayHello xmlns="urn:HelloWorld">

   <sayHelloResult>Hello Martin Kutter!</sayHelloResult>

$soap->on_action( sub { "urn:HelloWorld#sayHello" });

my $som = $soap->document($xml)->call("sayHello");

 die $som->fault->{ faultstring } if ($som->fault);
 print $som->result, "\n";

-- end of client.pl --

-- begin server.pl 8< --

package HelloWorld;
use SOAP::Lite;

use base qw(SOAP::Server::Document);

sub sayHello {
  my $self = shift;
  my $doc = shift;
  my $som = shift;

  my $ret_val = some_processing_method($doc);
  return $ret_val;

-- end of server.pl --

The client builds an XML document inserts it into the request using
the document() method on the SOAP object.

The client subclasses from SOAP::Server::Document so it gets the XML
payload as the second argument on the stack, processes it somehow, and
returns an XML payload back to the client.


Cheers, jas.

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