[MOBY-dev] General deployment question

Andreas Groscurth groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
Wed Mar 12 12:55:05 UTC 2008

Martin Senger wrote:
>> assuming the default classloader the packname is identical to the
>> location...
> No, not true. The package name is identical to the last part of the full
> path of the file where the class is written into. But it does not tell what
> is the full path.
How do you generate the skeletons then ? from my point of view thats the 
same situation. Skeletons sources are put into generated/skeletons and 
the compilation are put into build/other/skeletons. You know this paths 
and put them into a jar. For the samples it is identical... sources are 
found in src/samples and the compilation are in build/others/samples. I 
dont get the difference.

and samples are (for me and others) the web services....

How do you get the compilations from build/other/skeletons - and why is 
that no problem, but build/other/samples is one ?

Again - my implementation of the Web Service is inside src/samples and 
the compilation is in build/others/samples. My Service is 
de.mpg.mpiz_koeln.SERVICEImpl, so ergo you find the class in 
build/others/samples/de/mpg/mpiz_koeln/SERVICEImpl. I still dont 
understand why this is not accessible, when the skeletons or datatypes 

What I love to see is that the implementation classes I enter in 
dashboard when I give the pattern or enter it for each service are 
copied into CATALINA_HOME/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/classes, just as the 
generated jars are copied into CATALINA_HOME/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib.

>> Is the pattern then de.mpg.mpiz_koeln.${SERVICE}Impl ?
> Probably. It depends what you meant by the star in "de.mpg.mpiz_koeln.*Impl".
> This is how the help page explains it:
> "the ${SERVICE} token is replaced by a real service name, and ${Service}
> token by a real service name with the first letter changed to upper-case".
cool - the * was the real service name - thx.



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