[MOBY-dev] [MOBY-l] Apologies, a hint for MIPS-Service substitutions, and an invitation

Andreas Groscurth groscurt at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
Thu Jul 31 07:32:28 UTC 2008

Mark Wilkinson wrote:
>> I was wondering how you store this information ? are they mapped to 
>> the services/datatypes etc in the moby central database ?
> At the moment we're not entirely sure where to put it.  I am loathe to 
> put it in Moby Central as we don't yet know what the quality of the 
> annotation will be 
Considering some registered namespaces and especially datatypes - 
annotations will be probably of low quality, but that we have already at 
some point and it will always be with uncurated community systems.
> Moreover, the Moby Central API isn't able to query at the level of 
> detail that we will be capturing these annotations, so there's no 
> compelling reason to put it there.
yeah the central api and the client api has to be changed then... 
although the searching for services via tags is not difficult on client 

>> so my suggestion is to think about a tagging system (via dashboard / 
>> web portal), which is permant available and allows everyone to tag 
>> moby stuff ?!
> Certainly I think we need a dashboard panel that contains the 
> annotation interface (called "ED" - the Entity Describer 
> http://entitydescriber.org; written  by our very own Eddie Kawas :-) 
> ).  ED is currently a bit too tightly linked to Connotea, but we're in 
> the process of ripping it out and making it more standalone for this 
> Jamboree.
> Eddie, what do you think of a dashboard ED panel?
looks like a good idea for it ... nice to see something already 
'somehow' existing :)


  Dipl. Bioinf. Andreas Groscurth
  Bioinformatics Software Developer
  Plant Computational Biology group
  Max-Planck Institute for plant breeding research
  Carl-von-Linne Weg 10
  50829 Cologne
  +49(0) 221 5062449

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