[MOBY-dev] RegistryCache

Ola Spjuth ola.spjuth at farmbio.uu.se
Wed Oct 31 10:22:18 UTC 2007

Hi Paul,

Thank you for the answers. I think I have found a bug in jMoby, but  
please correct me if I'm wrong.

The following call with reg being my custom Regsitry:

		MobyDataComposite comp = new MobyDataComposite("DNASequence", reg);


     public MobyDataComposite(String typeName, Registry r){
	this(MobyDataType.getDataType(typeName, r));


     public MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type){
	this(type, "");


     public MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, String name){
	this(type, name, "", "");


     public MobyDataComposite(MobyDataType type, String name, String  
namespace, String id){
	super(namespace, id);
	members = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MobyDataObject>();

where super calls

     public MobyDataObject(String namespace, String id){
	this(namespace, id, null);

     public MobyDataObject(String namespace, String id, Registry  

thus having registry=null. This means I will always use the default  
registry and not my custom registry that I inputted. This prevents me  
from using my cached registry which you explained below.

A second question: When defining my own registry and populating the  
RegsitryCache like you explained, what Central should I use?  
CentralDigestCachedImpl? Do I need both caching mechanisms? How do  
they differ?

Thanks for your help,


On Oct 30, 2007, at 01:43 , Paul Gordon wrote:

> Hi Ola,
> If you want to explicitly cache the ontologies, you need to work with
> the Registry and RegistryCache objects like so:
> ********
> //To delete stale files
> RegistryCache.deleteExpiredCacheFiles(allowedAgeInMilliseconds);
> // In what file would the ontology be cached, if it was cached?
> File namespacesDefFile = RegistryCache.getOntologyFile 
> (preferredRegistry,
> URL namespacesDefURL = namespacesDefFile.toURI().toURL();
> if(namespacesDefFile.exists()){
>       // Use the existing cached file rather than actually going to  
> the
> registry
>       MobyNamespace.loadNamespaces(namespacesDefURL,  
> preferredRegistry);
> }
> else{
>       // Create the cached file from the remote source, then load it
> into MobyNamespace so MobyNamespace.getNamespace() can retrieve it.
>       RegistryCache.cacheRegistryOntology(preferredRegistry,
>       MobyNamespace.loadNamespaces(namespacesDefURL,  
> preferredRegistry);
> }
> ********
> The other relevant fields/methods are
> and MobyDataType.loadDataTypes()/MobyServiceType.loadServiceTypes().
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