[MOBY-dev] Reminder: Vote async proposal

Pieter Neerincx Pieter.Neerincx at wur.nl
Mon Oct 2 14:39:56 UTC 2006


Well, I read the proposal and the involved standards. I think it's  
very important to have a standard for asynchronous services and the  
process of getting there already took a lot of time. I also think  
that such a standard should be very robust and ready for the future.  
Adding things shouldn't be too much of a hassle, but once we  
implement this it will be a pain if we have to modify it in such a  
way that all asynchronous services "break". So I think this standard  
should be damned good from the start :).

As mentioned before I feel the way the queryIDs are passed around in  
the XMl is sub-optimal, making asynchronous service behaviour  
unnecessarily complicated. More explicitly with what I understand  
from the WSRF standard I'm not comfortable with "dynamic" resource  
properties (individual resource properties for status / fetching  
results for each individual queryID). Therefore - although I like the  
big picture - I vote NO on the current proposal.

I will support any proposal that gets accepted for the sake of  
interoperability as this is paramount for BioMOBY, but I would prefer  
a more elegant solution.



On 2-Oct-2006, at 3:14 PM, Martin Senger wrote:

> Well, I am still not sure that I understand the proposal fully (not  
> because
> it is a bad proposal but because I have  not spent enough time on  
> it). But I
> believe fully in the wisdom of our Spanish colleagues, the wisdom I  
> hope to
> learn when I will be implementing the async behaviour in Moses) - and
> therefore I vote YES.
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin Senger
>    email: martin.senger at gmail.com
>    skype: martinsenger
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