[MOBY-dev] RFC - Asynchronous Service Call Proposal

Johan Karlsson johan at ac.uma.es
Thu Jan 26 19:21:24 UTC 2006

Dear all,    

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Johan Karlsson and I 
work at the Department of Computer Architecture at the University of 
Málaga, Spain within the group GNV-5 (part of the Spanish organization 
INB). Our group deals with different aspects of "Integrated 
Bioinformatics" at the INB.

Attached to this email you can find the INB proposal (RFC) on 
asynchronous service calls. This proposal is a result of discussions 
during the INB meeting in Málaga during July 2005 with the participation 
of Martin Senger and Edward Kawas and further discussions in the INB 
mailing lists.

Kind regards,

Johan Karlsson
Department of Computer Architecture
University of Málaga
johan at ac.uma.es

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