[MOBY-dev] [MOBY-l] Tags for secondary articles

Martin Senger senger at ebi.ac.uk
Wed Jan 11 16:37:23 UTC 2006

> If you have any thoughts about how secondarys should be added to Taverna
> (UI), please don't hesitate to let me know so that I can consider your input
> during the design.
   Eddie, I did not want to be pre-mature with my suggestion because it is
not yet fully implemented. But this email is an opportunity: I have
created a user interface for entering quite complex moby data type (it is
a combination of a table and a tree). I plan to use it in Dashboard. But
doing that I relized that it would be also very suitable for taverna
(perhaps even without a need to have all moby data types listed there in a
scavenger list). I still need to finish it - two things are mising: the
sceondary parameters - but it's simple, and the ability to add and remove
more HAS members. I have already solution for both these things on my
laptop but I will not be able to finish and to commit it before next two
weeks time (having my family visiting me at Philippines). Please take a
look for the so-far commit status by calling a testing client:

   build/run/run-any-client CreateMobyInput -h
   build/run/run-any-client CreateMobyInput -data <data-type-nema> \
       -cachedir <your-cache-dir>

  In Taverna, the -cachedit functionality will be replced by reading the
RDf document with moby data types (as it is now).


Martin Senger
   email: martin.senger at gmail.com
   skype: martinsenger
consulting for:
   International Rice Research Institute
   Biometrics and Bioinformatics Unit
   DAPO BOX 7777, Metro Manila
   Philippines, phone: +63-2-580-5600 (ext.2324)

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