[MOBY-dev] Re: [MISC] CommonSubs.pm

mwilkinson mwilkinson at mobile.rogers.com
Wed Jun 16 22:08:35 UTC 2004

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it... And the timing couldn't be better as I am heading into another round of intensive grant writing, so this is a great moment to start laying the plans for world domination, and to get paid to execute them  ;-)

B.t.w. Is there any functionality that you would like to see completed before we meet?  I have about a week of "free time" to dedicate to coding before I arrive in Manila, so I could focus on those aspects of MOBY to get them done before we get there.

Let me know.

Looking forward to seeing you!


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Senger <senger at ebi.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 23:05:44 
To:mwilkinson <mwilkinson at mobile.rogers.com>,       Core developer announcements <moby-dev at portal.open-bio.org>
Subject: Re: [MOBY-dev] Re: [MISC] CommonSubs.pm

> Martin, I'll see you in Manila in a couple of weeks - hopefully we can
> push forward the CGIAR MOBY plans there!  ...exciting times!!!!
   Yes, Mark, that's what I have just heard! Looking forward for yet
another hackatlon!
   See you there, Martin

Martin Senger

EMBL Outstation - Hinxton                Senger at EBI.ac.uk     
European Bioinformatics Institute        Phone: (+44) 1223 494636      
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus             (Switchboard:     494444)
Hinxton                                  Fax  : (+44) 1223 494468
Cambridge CB10 1SD
United Kingdom                           http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger

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