[MOBY-dev] MOBY Central 0.5 running @ CBR

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Tue Jun 3 16:06:42 UTC 2003

Hi all, 

Just a note to say that the 0.5API MOBY Central was installed on the CBR
computer yesterday (mobycentral.cbr.nrc.ca).  I will continue running
the old version for a while since I (among others) need it to give
demo's over the next couple of weeks.

The new version is *not yet 100% coded* as defined in the API - the
functionality to retrieve XML Schema (and hence WSDL) is not there.  In
addition, the discovery of services based on Collection objects is also
not yet functional (though such services can be registered, and
discovery of services through simple input/output or any other search
parameter is functional).  Nevertheless, though it is not possible to
retrieve a WSDL document, you are given enough information in the
discovery process that you should be able to transact a service that you
have discovered.

I will try to set up some services over the next few days.

I would like to keep some control over the wanton creation of Object and
Service Classes at the early stages of the project to make sure that we
have a nice non-conflicting set of semi-primitives from which we can
build more complex things, so please try to coordinate your efforts with
me (and others) for the first little while.  Having said that, don't be
shy about getting in there and making stuff if you think you know what
you are doing :-)

The URL for the MOBY Central SOAP server is:

The URI for the MOBY Central SOAP server is:

Let me know if you find bugs.  It is too late to change the 0.5 API, but
we can start working on a new API right away - I will set up an
experimental registry at CBR over the next few weeks for that purpose.

Cheers all!


Mark Wilkinson <markw at illuminae.com>

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