[EMBOSS] how to get jtranslations using extractfeat?

Andres Pinzon andrespinzon at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 17:20:25 UTC 2007

Im trying to get all the "/translation" sequences from a genome embl
feature file.
I mean, each CD have a translation tag and I need those translations
in a fasta file. I've tried all possible combinations of  -type -tag
but i can not get the translated sequences, but the DNA sequences.

This is the (basic) command I run:

extractfeat -sequence xoo-maff.embl -type CDS -outseq myseq -tag translation

Is it possible to get this translated sequences from the feature file?
Or do I have to get the corresponding CDS DNA sequences and then translate them?

Thanks in advance.
Andrés Pinzón cPh.D.
Bioinformatics Center, Colombia EMBnet node
Tel +57 3165000 ext 16961 Fax +571 3165415
Micology and Phytopathology Laboratory - Los Andes University.
Tel +571 3394949 ext. 2768

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