[EMBOSS] help with Profit

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Aug 10 08:49:00 UTC 2007

Mehta, Perdeep wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to search swissprot protein database with the "Profit"
> program. Somehow after running for a while Profit produces following out
> put that has no data in it. Here is the text in the generated output
> file.
> # PROF scan using Henikoff profile pdz_henikoff.prf
> # Scores >= threshold 75 (max score 88.53)
> #
> Does any one have a clue what's wrong with it?  I checked the
> installation of swissprot database it works fine I could fetch a
> sequence out with seqret.

It appears there is a problem with profiles that cover complete sequences.

When the profile (including gaps) is longer than a database sequence it 
fails to match that sequence.

We will investigate. We will also add a note to the output to say how 
many hits were found and what the maximum score was.



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