Use two Emboss package with one database

David Martin d.m.a.martin at
Wed May 21 09:04:24 UTC 2003

On 21/5/03 9:53 am, "yann-francois.bizouerne at"
<yann-francois.bizouerne at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working with 2 diffretns servers on different locations. On each of them
> a
> EMBOSS package tools is installed.
> I need to know if I could configure these 2 EMBOSS in order to work with the
> same database (which is located on one of the two servers).
> Is EMBOSS could working this way or does I need to have only one EMBOSS
> package
> (tools + databse) installed on one server ?

There are two options here:

1. Different platforms accessing the same database
2. same platform (different machines) accessing the same database.

1. Easy. When you do a configure set the prefix (prefixes) approrpriately so
that the executables go to an appropriate place and the databases point to a
shared (NFS or similar) drive containing the config files. Obviously you
have to use the same mountpoint on all your machines for this to work (I use
/site/share/EMBOSS for the config and /site/databases as a root for the
databases. In this case /site/bin is local, not shared and contains the
appropriate binaries [or can be a symlink to /site/Linux/bin,
/site/IRIX/bin, /site/Solaris/bin, /site/Darwin/bin as appropriate if you
are supporting more than on emachine on a particular platform]  )

2. Can be done in the same way using a shared drive for the executables. One
gotcha is that EMBOSS, despite all efforts, does not compile statically so
you have to ensure that the library versions are the same across the various
platforms or you will get runtime errors.

Either of these methods will reduce the maintenance load considerably.

In my case I use NFS for the data directories and use a nightly scheduled
rsync to synchronise the executables and config files with the master
machine as these don't take much space and it reduces the network overhead.

Hope this helps.

> I hope that my question is clear enough.
> Best Regards
> Yann-François BIZOUERNE
> BioInformatic Team
> BAYER CropScience
> 1, rue Pierre Fontaine
> 91058 Evry Cedex
> Phone:      33-(0) 1-69-47-61-56
> FAX:        33-(0) 1-69-47-61-42
> E-mail:     yann-francois.bizouerne at
> Intranet:

David Martin PhD
Bioinformatics Scientific Officer
Post-Genomics and Molecular Interactions Centre
University of Dundee

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