emma or clustalw problem?

Wiepert, Mathieu Wiepert.Mathieu at mayo.edu
Wed Dec 4 16:42:55 UTC 2002

Not sure if I have an SUE, or reached a limit in the software or hardware.  I have a file with 457 fasta formatted sequences, that I want an MSF for, so I can prettyplot it.  I tried emma (see command line following).  Can I use a file of sequences, or do I need separate sequences, or have I broken the USA formatting required?  My file is like the example file, only with many more sequences?  The segmentation fault at the end concerns me...
~/sequences $ emma -inseqs seqs.fa
Multiple alignment program - interface to ClustalW program
Output sequence [1001501.aln]:
Output file [1001501.dnd]:
..clustalw -infile=5511A -outfile=5511B -align -type=dna -output=gcg -pwdnamatrix=iub -pwgapopen=10.000 -pwgapext=0.100 -newtree=5511C -dnamatrix= -gapopen=10.000 -gapext=5.000 -gapdist=8 -hgapresidues=GPSNDQEKR -maxdiv=30..

 CLUSTAL W (1.82) Multiple Sequence Alignments
Sequence type explicitly set to DNA
ERROR: Could not open sequence file 5511A

No. of seqs. read = -1. No alignment!
Error: failed to open filename 5511B
Problem writing out EMBOSS alignment fileSegmentation fault

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