Where is protml (Phylip) ?

Carlos Quijano cquijano at iib.uam.es
Tue Apr 9 08:51:30 UTC 2002


Some people asked me about "activating" the protml application from 
phylip package. ;-)
We use Emboss, with Embassy, and it seems that protml is documented but 
not compiled or installed. Even looking for it under ./src it is not 
present by some reason.

I don't know if the cause for it is that protml (something like dnaml 
but for proteins trees) has been developed with PASCAL instead of C.

With the phylip package (not Embasy's) protml.pas is present between the 
other sourcefiles. And I have seen that it comes with the MOLPHY package 
too, but in C, I guess.

Someone has any idea for put a compiled protml.pas (or molphy's) into 
Emboss and make it accesible for the frontend-app used (for me w2h)??

I know perhaps this solution is not the best one, or perhaps a little 
paranoid. Because it's possible to use PIE like web interface for 
Phylip, Molphi's protml and puzzle.

I am only looking for an easy way for compiling protml and make it part 
of the Emboss or Emboss/w2h applications set.

Thank you for your time.

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