[DAS2] Re: Apollo and DAS/2 priorities

Nomi Harris nomi at fruitfly.org
Mon Jan 30 18:49:00 UTC 2006

hopefully the server will be up-to-date by early next week so i will work
on the GET requests then.

i wrote a simple das2xml feature writer that writes out features the same
way they appeared in the example i had (which i will add to the end of
this message).  that is working.  i figured it would be worth doing,
since it only took me two hours and it shouldn't be too hard to modify it
to reflect the latest changes.

i guess the next thing i should work on is to bring my das2xml feature
reader up to spec, based on andrew's latest examples.  is
das2/scratch/features4.xml a good one to use?  it has a lot of elements
and fields that were not in my previous example.

here is part of the example i've been using, which i got from the
netaffxdas server.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE DAS2FEATURE SYSTEM "http://www.biodas.org/dtd/das2feature.dtd"> 
   xml:base="" >
  <FEATURE id="CG17245-RA" type="FlybaseGene" >
    <LOC pos="region/chr4/53433:64403:-1" />
    <PART id="CG17245-RA.0" />
    <PART id="CG17245-RA.1" />
    <PART id="CG17245-RA.2" />
    <PART id="CG17245-RA.3" />
    <PART id="CG17245-RA.4" />
  <FEATURE id="CG17245-RA.0" type="FlybaseGene" >
    <LOC pos="region/chr4/53433:53751:-1" />
    <PARENT id="CG17245-RA" />
  <FEATURE id="CG17245-RA.1" type="FlybaseGene" >
    <LOC pos="region/chr4/53816:53999:-1" />
    <PARENT id="CG17245-RA" />
  <FEATURE id="CG17245-RA.2" type="FlybaseGene" >
    <LOC pos="region/chr4/56499:57083:-1" />
    <PARENT id="CG17245-RA" />
  <FEATURE id="CG17245-RA.3" type="FlybaseGene" >
    <LOC pos="region/chr4/57141:61911:-1" />
    <PARENT id="CG17245-RA" />
  <FEATURE id="CG17245-RA.4" type="FlybaseGene" >
    <LOC pos="region/chr4/63539:64403:-1" />
    <PARENT id="CG17245-RA" />

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