[DAS] Re: Building an ensembl mapmaster server with LDAS

Thomas Down td2@sanger.ac.uk
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 21:52:17 +0000

On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:32:31PM -0500, jfreeman wrote:
> If I was making an local ensembl mapmaster (e.g. equivalent to:
> http://servlet.sanger.ac.uk:8080/das/ensembl130) what information would
> have to go in those fields to create an ensembl mapmaster, and where in
> the ensembl database (what database:table, eg.
> homo_sapiens_lite_130:gene) could I find it?

Everything you need can be found in homo_sapiens_core_130.
For the raw contigs (the basic level of sequences in the
assembly), lengths can be found in the `contig' table.

Lengths of supercontigs (historically called FPC contigs
in the Ensembl world) and chromosomes, plus the assembly
information, can be found in the `static_golden_path'
table.  (The data format in static_golden_path is rather
denormalized, but everything you need is there).

Hope this helps,
