[BioSQL-l] Bioperl-db: load_seqdatabase.pl

Hilmar Lapp hlapp@gnf.org
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 19:41:10 -0800

I enhanced the functionality and flexibility of this script. Below 
find an excerpt of the updated POD of the script if you're 


=item --lookup

flag to look-up by unique key first, converting the insert into an
update if the object is found

=item --noupdate

don't update if object is found (with --lookup)

=item --testonly

don't commit anything, rollback at the end

=item --format

This may theoretically be any IO subsytem and the format understood by
that subsystem to parse the input file(s). IO subsytem and format must
be separated by a double colon. See below for which subsystems are
currently supported.

The default IO subsystem is SeqIO. 'Bio::' will automatically be
prepended if not already present. As of presently, the other supported
subsystem is ClusterIO. All input files must have the same format.

     # this is the default
     --format genbank
     # SeqIO format EMBL
     --format embl
     # Bio::ClusterIO stream with -format => 'unigene'
     --format ClusterIO::unigene

=item --pipeline

This is a sequence of L<Bio::Factory::SeqProcessorI> implementing
objects that will be instantiated and chained in exactly this
order. This allows you to write re-usable modules for custom
post-processing of objects after the stream parser returns
them. Cf. L<Bio::Seq::BaseSeqProcessor> for a base implementation for
such modules.

Modules are separated by the pipe character '|' or white space. In
addition, you can specify initialization parameters for each of the
modules by enclosing a comma-separated list of alternating parameter
name and value pairs in parentheses or angle brackets directly after
the module.

     # one module
     --pipeline "My::SeqProc"
     # two modules in the specified order
     --pipeline "My::SeqProc|My::SecondSeqProc"
     # two modules, the first of which has two initialization parameters
     --pipeline "My::SeqProc

=item --seqfilter

This is either a string or a file defining a closure to be used as
sequence filter. The value is interpreted as a file if it refers to a
readable file, and a string otherwise. Cf. add_condition() in
L<Bio::Seq::SeqBuilder> for more information about what the code will
be used for. The closure will be passed a hash reference with an
accumulated list of initialization paramaters for the prospective
object. It returns TRUE if the object is to be built and FALSE

Note that this closure operates at the stream parser level. Objects it
rejects will be skipped by the parser. Objects it accepts can still be
intercepted at a later stage (options --remove, --update, --noupdate,

Note that not necessarily all stream parsers support a
L<Bio::Factory::ObjectBuilderI> object. Email bioperl-l@bioperl.org to
find out which ones do. In fact, at the time of writing this, only
Bio::SeqIO::genbank supports it.

=item --mergeobjs

This is also a string or a file defining a closure. If provided, the
closure is called if a look-up for the unique key of the new object
was successful (hence, it will never be called without supplying
--lookup, but not --noupdate, at the same time).

The closure will be passed three (3) arguments: the object found by
lookup, the new object to be submitted, and the L<Bio::DB::DBAdaptorI>
implementing object for the desired database. If the closure returns a
value, it must be the object to be inserted or updated in the database
(if $obj->primary_key returns a value, the object will be updated). If
it returns undef, the script will skip to the next object in the input

The purpose of the closure can be manifold. It was originally
conceived as a means to customarily merge attributes or associated
objects of the new object to the existing (found) one in order to
avoid duplications but still capture additional information (e.g.,
annotation). However, there is a multitude of other operations it can
be used for, like physically deleting or altering certain associated
information from the database (the found object and all its associated
objects will implement L<Bio::DB::PersistentObjectI>). Since the third
argument is the persistent object and adaptor factory for the
database, there is literally no limit as to the database operations
the closure could possibly do.

Hilmar Lapp                            email: lapp at gnf.org
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92121              phone: +1-858-812-1757