[Bioperl-pipeline] Re: XML schemas

Shawn Hoon shawnh at stanford.edu
Sun Jan 18 02:08:36 EST 2004

Hi Kiran,
	I just committed a biopipe schema and script for validating xmls 
against the schema.
It is under xml/pipeline.xsd and script/validate_xml.pl

This xsd should work for all the xmls in the example/xml/ directory as 
long as you remove the <global> block
and replace all the variables with the full paths. This is the main 
change which makes the biopipe xml more formally
correct though it wouldn't be as easy to modify the xml without the 
global variables. I would like to qualify this implementation
with the fact that my XML schema understanding is not very complete. So 
check it out and see if the validator works with your xmls.
If this sounds good I will go ahead start changing the xml templates.

For the validation, you will need to have


let me know,



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