[Bioperl-pipeline] Plant-Biotech pipeline 3

Joachim H. Strach strach.joachim at web.de
Fri Sep 19 08:00:36 EDT 2003


after reflecting your answers, I have further questions.
I always refer to the genome_annotation_pipeline because it has a appropiate complexity.

First of all have a look at http://www.cosmoss.org/bm/pics/genome_annotation_pipeline.gif . I visualized the pipeline as I understood it.
Would be helpfull to dynamically visualize the pipeline while creating it with the biopipe_designer, wouldn't it?

1. What ist the meaning of !XXX!?
Is e.g. !INPUT! in iohandler id="2" the output from Monger id="1"?
Does !OUTPUT! refer to the ouput of the current analysis?

2. What's the idea behind the iohandler mapping?

3. The data monger ...
- always setups data for the following analysis?
- although e.g. analysis id="6" has a different iohandler and in my opinion no apperent link to the monger.
- always returns jobs or does it return what the setup_xxx function return?

Back to my pipeline:
4. How would you say is it meant to realize the following:
- storing blast-resulst (SearchIO) in a mysql-BioSql database
- filtering these results
- using the filtered results as input to a new blast (SeqI).
Espacially which functions and packages could I use? I have trouble to
identify suitable functions for my tasks. What is already there, what do I have 
to write by myself?
I did not find a package or function which provides filtering and converting of Bioperl Objects.

Thanks again


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