[Bioperl-pipeline] Forester in Biopipe

Mathieu ROUARD m.rouard at wanadoo.fr
Wed Dec 17 13:00:03 EST 2003

I've just had a look at your Biopipe. It is very interresting for my works. 
I'm thinking in developping one for my own work, but I would like to know if 
it's possible to insert to it the FORESTER package. I haven't found any of 
the modules about FORESTER (SDI DORIO)in the Biopipe website. Will the 
FORESTER modules be developed for BIOPIPE? Is it difficult and long to do 
it?  FORESTER is a very interresting package, and I think it il will be 
usefull to insert it in biopipe.run...

Yours sincerely,

Mathieu Rouard

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