[Bioperl-pipeline] Starting the pipeline redux

Wiepert, Mathieu Wiepert.Mathieu@mayo.edu
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 10:52:25 -0500


After reading some of the posts, I wanted to take a peek at the XML to define some pipelines (thought blast would be easiest).  The site www.fugu-sg.org seems never to be found (for me, seems others got there?).  I tried a few variations on the theme before I gave up (found some cool blowfish sites though ;-)  I am sure I just missed it, is that site actually correct, and I can't get there, or am I not changing it enough to find it.  Tried appending .sg at the end, tried underscores, a few other variations.

I am about to check out the latest pipeline, I will read the install docs again for the updates, but basically, with the blank db I have set up, and an XML file somehow read in, I can get the pipeline to do something?
