[Bioperl-pipeline] Re: pipeline wrapper??

Elia Stupka elia@fugu-sg.org
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 15:13:18 +0800 (SGT)

>  is Bio::Pipeline::Runnable::Blast the wrapper of
> Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast or of blast program? And is
> Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast the wrapper of blask program?

Bio::Pipeline::Runnable::Blast is a pipeline wrapper for
Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast which is a wrapper for the blast program.

Please make sure that you start writing some documentation so that while
you learn the pipeline you also contribute to the documentation
effort. You can commit the documentation within the bioperl-pipeline CVS
package as you go along.


* http://www.fugu-sg.org/~elia *
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