[Bioperl-pipeline] tests

shawnh@worf.fugu-sg.org shawnh@worf.fugu-sg.org
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 12:06:37 +0800 (SGT)

kiran and I digged deeper and it the error was quite funny.
bascially, what we are doing (something remnant from ensembl)
was to cat the NSFTMPDIR to a NSFTMPDIR/$num
basically some random number.
so if the number doesn't exist, it creates one.
problem was with the permissions of THAT dir.

even if we create with all write permissions, that would 
be a problem if there are already directories that exist of that
number and we can't simply delete them.
so simply, just use NSFTMPDIR that people specify. Fair?
or does splitting into /tmp/1 /tmp/2 serve a purpose?


accessibleOn Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Elia Stupka wrote:

> I just noticed that the last two tests in Job.t is failing, don't want to
> step on your active work toes, so this is the message:
> not ok 11
> # Test 11 got: '
> ------------- EXCEPTION  -------------
> MSG: Cannot pipe STDOUT to stdout_file.
> STACK Bio::Pipeline::Job::run
> /usr/users/elia/src/bioperl-pipeline//Bio/Pipeline/Job.pm:352
> STACK (eval) t/Job.t:56
> STACK toplevel t/Job.t:54
> --------------------------------------
> ' (t/Job.t at line 60)
> #    Expected: ''
> not ok 12
> # Failed test 12 in t/Job.t at line 68
> Elia
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'Torture the data long enough and they will reveal anything'
* Shawn Hoon
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