[Bioperl-l] Is there any solution to residue leak problem of the Bio::Structure::Entry get_residues() method

Jian Huang hjian at kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jan 27 07:34:14 UTC 2007

Dear Chris,

I have compared the old and the new version. The the residue leak problem I 
met seems to be caused by by get_residues() method of Bio::Structure::Entry. 
However, it is actually caused by _read_PDB_coordinate_section() method of 
Bio::Structure::IO::pdb.pm. In the new version, my newly-met old bug was 
fixed with the "newly-added" line ( at line1186 in pdb.pm )

   $res_name_num .= '.'.$icode if $icode;

Thank you again for your kindly help.

Jian Huang

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