[Bioperl-l] MeSH term retrieval

Michael Seewald mseewald at gmail.com
Sun Mar 26 12:26:29 UTC 2006

Dear Bioperl-Users, dear Heikki,

I am trying to retrieve MeSH term descriptions using Bio::DB::MeSH (bioperl
v1.5.0). Sometimes it works (first example below), sometimes it does not
(second example). Is there anything wrong with the query?

Thanks & bets wishes,

use Bio::DB::MeSH;

my $mesh = new Bio::DB::MeSH();

# works, compare:
my $term = 'Eisenmenger Complex';
print "Term: $term\n";
print "Desc: ",$mesh->get_exact_term($term)->description,"\n";

# does not work, compare:
my $term = 'Sinus Thrombosis, Intracranial';
print "Term: $term\n";
print "Desc: ",$mesh->get_exact_term($term)->description,"\n";

Dr. Michael Seewald
Bayer HealthCare AG

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