[Bioperl-l] method "link_pattern" and Bio::Graphics::Panel

Danielucg Sousa danielucgbioinfo at yahoo.com.br
Mon Jan 17 11:19:31 EST 2005


I have has some difficult
whith Bio::Graphics:Panel class. I want only show on
browser a little sequence and to be possible
clickable, for a link http. Please, look my little
code and tell me what is wrong. I have used Bioperl
1.5 RC 2 .

The out messanger is :
Can't locate object method "link_pattern" via package
"Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile" at
line 981, <DATA> line 191,.

My little code :
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

use strict;
use Bio::Graphics;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;
use CGI  qw / :standard /;
use CGI::Pretty;

my $wholeseq =

my $q = new CGI;

print $q->header('text/html');
print $q->start_html('A Vector Rendering ');

my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(-length=>600,
-width=>1000, -pad_left=> 10, -pad_right=>10, 
-key_style =>'none',

+1,  -double => 1,-tick=>2,-title=>'test 1',-link =>
'www.perl.org' );
-bgcolor =>'orange', -bump=> 0,-height
=>12,-title=>'test 2', -link
=>'http://www.google.com.br', );
my ($url,$map,$mapname) = $panel->image_and_map(-root
=> '/home/bioinfo/cgi-bin',-url => '/tmpimages', );

print $q->img({-src=>$url,-usemap=>"#$mapname"});
print $q->$map;
print $q->($panel->png);

print $q->exit_html;


Thank you very much,
Daniel Xavier 

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